Screen Writers Bootcamp

place for the best freelance writers

In Search Of High-Paying Freelance Writing Jobs: 5 Basic Tips

  1. If you want to enjoy success and nab high-paying clients, you need to present yourself professionally. Just because the client doesn't see you face-to-face does not mean that you can be unprofessional in your behavior. You have the luxury of working your pajamas, but you should still behave appropriately.
  2. When you communicate try and use professional terminology and language.
  3. Avoid colloquial phrases; poor spelling that would otherwise be reserved for an uneducated 12-year-old child who is sending a text message, and never use inappropriate comments, names, or curse words. Far too many people get swept up in the freedom that the Internet allows, and it can be quite easy to forget where you are or what you were doing.
  4. Cyber bullying takes place even in the freelance world to many different degrees. One such degree is both clients in freelancers alike forgetting that they are in a business environment when communicating. If you know that you are not at your most professional when you first wake up, avoid replying to any business-related emails until you have had your 1st cup of coffee. If at all possible, avoid sending any messages in the middle of the night. If you receive the message at 10 o'clock at night, it can certainly wait until the morning. If you know that in your tired state you will respond in an unprofessional and emotionally driven State, do not respond. Many new freelance writers make this mistake and it can cost them dearly. You do not want to wake up in the morning with regrets and the permanent loss of the client. This is especially true if you work on the Internet because those reputational downfalls will never go away.
  5. If you can, free up one or two weekends per month and alter them for days off during the week. Not only would you be able to get more regular errands done if you able to visit the bank, grocery store, and the post office all before noon on a Tuesday, but freeing up one or two weekends per month will give you a chance to nab jobs that have a very strict weekend deadline. On the weekend many people are in a rush to have something by Monday. If you are available just one weekend per month you might be able to earn more for that one weekend and you would the rest of the month combined.

Pitch your services

You should be able to learn if clients have worked with freelancers in the past and what skills they look for in a good freelance writer. This will help you know how to pitch your services and develop a winning proposal.

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