Screen Writers Bootcamp

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Where To Find Profitable Online Jobs For Freelance Writers

You consider yourself a good writer and perhaps want to take a crack at being paid for your compositions. This is the best time possible for you because the Internet has a number of opportunities for you. You can take a look at a number of websites that allow you to bid on a number of posted jobs. Here are a few that you ought to consider as you seek to earn a profit from your writing.

You need to be sure that your profile is completed on any of these platforms. Potential clients are going to take a look at them very carefully and they will consider the samples that you post for their inspection. This means that you have to post your very best within your profile. Taking a look at the job posting can give you an idea of what industry niches are looking for articles (real estate, social media, healthcare, etc.). A good marketing idea would be to have in your profile samples that concentrate on individual business groups. That way, if you bid on a real estate gig you have a real estate sample to show. This helps you get the initial assignments.

If you are starting out and do not necessarily have to be the lowest bidder. It is all about the quality of the work you can do. At the same time you do not want to be the highest bidder on a freelance assignment. Somewhere in the middle or just slightly below the halfway point is where you may find the most success in the beginning. You can always raise your rates as your portfolio expands. You also should also have several accounts, but monitor them. If it appears you are not getting business from a particular freelance writing site, then you may just want to close the account. That is all part of business and you do not to spend time trying to attract clients on the site that isn’t producing.

If you are a well-established freelance writer with a good portfolio showcasing your credentials, you need to get a LinkedIn account. Marketing departments are always looking for copywriters and they pay rather attractive hourly rates. If you have a flair for writing sales copy, you can very easily secure a freelance position within a good company. Having a familiarity with social media marketing and SEO is going to allow you to charge a nice rate.

Pitch your services

You should be able to learn if clients have worked with freelancers in the past and what skills they look for in a good freelance writer. This will help you know how to pitch your services and develop a winning proposal.

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